Water Manager

Bore Water Meter Installation
Take the headache out of bore meters and get actual benefits
At BD Water, we provide reliable water meter installation and ongoing meter monitoring services to help you manage your irrigation system effectively, no matter the size of your property.

What are your metering requirements?
Meter installs and replacements
Ongoing meter monitoring
Maintenance and calibration

The Role of Meters in Water Conservation
For commercial farms and large properties, water meters are indispensable for compliance with DWER water usage regulations, to meet sustainbility goals for properties and businesses, and overall to reduce water waste.

What type of meter is best for me?
A water meter measures the flow of water through your irrigation system, providing you with real-time data on how much water is being used. There are different types of meters, each suited to specific irrigation setups and property sizes.
Mechanical Meters
Digital Meters
Smart Meters
Our Customers
What our clients and drillers say about us.
Considering installing a meter?
At BD Water, we offer a range of water meter solutions that fit your property’s unique needs, and are 100% compliant with the DWER metering requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the implications of poor irrigation management?
Water is a valuable resource, and it doesn’t come cheap. If you have an efficient irrigation system, then you’re going to have a more attractive landscape, a more profitable farm, and a low water bill.
Water moves pesticides and fertilisers utilised in your crops into groundwater, which can impacts the safety of the groundwater coming from your bore. This can impact your health, your property and the environment.
Water is limited and the more of it that we use, the less there will be for other uses.
Do you represent the Department of Water?
No. BD Water is a private business and we do not represent the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. BD Water owns Water Manager, which is also independent from DWER.
All information we provide is our own interpretation of their documentation and if unsure please contact us or confirm with DWER directly.
Do I need a bore meter?
In short – yes, if you have a water licence for more than 10,000 kL/a, and want to keep your full allocation. In some cases smaller allocations will also require a meter. Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has / will notify licensees where applicable.
Since 31 December 2020, all licences for 10,000 kL + require meters to have been installed on all drawpoints. If you have not installed a meter yet, please get one ASAP, as you are in breach of the DWER metering regulations. Contact us if you’d like us to help with your meter install, and all required paperwork.